On Sat, 25 Feb 2006, Scott Long wrote:

Ashok Shrestha wrote:
VMWARE GSX was released recently for free.

Is anyone working on a port for this?

I've started on it, but I haven't made much progress yet.


Anyone who's interested in working on it should make sure to start with the VMWare 3 port (which works at present), and Orlando's beta 4.5 port:


Also of major use would be the merged linux vmware modules available at:


(or more specifically)


This has support for VMWare 1 through 5.5, so if you take our version 3/4 support and this code, you should be able to see what's left to implement.

So, support SHOULD be possible, it's just a matter of someone putting in the time to get it all working. (I do not have any such time, unfortunately.)

Mike "Silby" Silbersack
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