On Sun, Mar 12, 2006 at 04:25:07PM +0530, Pranav Peshwe wrote:
> Hello,
>           What is effectively the difference between PICKUP/DROP_GIANT and
> mtx_lock/unlock(&Giant)  ? From the macro expansion, i surmise that
> PICKUP/DROP_GIANT deals with recursion in Giant locking.Is this correct ? is
> this the only difference ? What will happen if i mix the usage of
> PICKUP/DROP_GIANT and mtx_lock/unlock(&Giant) ?

You can't mix them, because they are used in different situtation.
You call DROP_GIANT and later PICKUP to handle situations where it
is required to drop GIANT for a while.
You call mtx_lock and later unlock to hold GIANT for a while.

B.Walter                http://www.bwct.de      http://www.fizon.de
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