Hum ... first thing done before reinstalling freebsd
2 passes without errors

For the little story, i don't know if it could help,
My network is like that :
LAN <-> FreeBSD Gateway <-> ISP Router <-> Internet
Each 22 hours the isp router reboot the internet connection and usually the freebsd gateway crash when the isp router stop and restart the internet connection but it's not all the time, there could be few days without problem (max 12 days I think). So I can't say that the isp router make the freebsd crashing but when it crash it's very often when the isp router restart :-/

I'll continue to test the hardware

Thanks to Kris & Steve

Thomas SOETE
Etudiant Ingénieur Télécom - Enic Télécom Lille 1
Etudiant Master Recherche, Conception de Systèmes Embarqués - LIFL


Steve Kargl a écrit :
On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 07:59:08PM +0200, Thomas SOETE wrote:
Kris Kennaway a ?crit :
On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 07:46:16PM +0200, Thomas SOETE wrote:
Hi everybody
Since a little time I began to have some kernel fatal trap 12
Kernel panics that magically start for no reason after a long time of
stability are usually because your hardware has begun to fail.

Hum, is there a way to have a little idea of which hardware begun to fail ?

(Top post fixed!)

Start by checking memory.  If you have x86 hardware, then
look at memtest86+.

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