Rick C. Petty wrote:

think that more BSD admins are so used to typing "cp -pR" than "cp -a".  In

Ah, but therein lies one of the points - Percentage of "BSD admins" vs "other-unix-like-systems admins" is slowly but steadily diminishing. In my (I'll admit - not so expansive) experience BSD admins tend to be older people who stick with what they know will work - vast majority of younger admins I know either personally or on the 'net generally know only Linux.

Using common options help bring people over, and also saves trouble with porting shell script code :)

then save "-a" for something like ACLs.  Does cp(1) properly handle ACLs
now anyway?

It's a good point. I don't know if it works but ACLs should probably be handled by -p.

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