Dinesh Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> i never got re(4) working, and the patch i'm currently using forces
> the use of rl(4) instead of using re(4). using rl(4) still shows
> media as none, but it works the way it should with packets going in
> and out. i've yet to try dag-erling's suggestion of disabling rx and
> tx checksums. i'll also try with the patch you sent it to see if
> that works.

If you can receive but not transmit (as I understood from other posts
in the thread, though you never answered my question about tcpdump),
disabling tx checksum offloading should be the *first* thing to try,
especially as there is a known bug in some RealTek chipsets which will
cause tx checksums to be computed incorrectly for short packets (such
as ICMP echo replies, or TCP handshake frames).

Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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