Trigonometry is seldom done with fixed point, which is the only way to
do it in the kernel (using the FPU is a no-no). I would write a perl
script to generate a lookup table for those functions - paste it into
a header and use that. HTH.


On 2/11/07, Eugene M. Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

I am writing a mouse device driver for my Wacom tablet (Intuos 2 9x12).
The tablet comes with a mouse and I managed to get valid coordinate data
from the device.  However, unlike usual mice, the coordinate system is
tied not to the orientation of the mouse itself, but to the tablet,
which acts much like a "mouse pad".  So, for example, if I rotate the
mouse 30 degrees to the left and move it left and right, the mouse
cursor would move not horizontally, but to 2- or 8-o'clock.

Fortunately the mouse also provides orientation data along with
coordinate data, so the correct cursor movement could be calculated from
it.  The problem: The calculation needs trigonometry, but there seems to
be no math library support in the kernel (I ran "grep -w cos" on the
-CURRENT source tree, which turned nothing up).

Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?

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