On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 11:29:24PM -0300, Duane Whitty wrote:

> Is it hoped / planned that storing the metadata in a berkeley DB
> database will help with the parallelization of package building?

That's somewhat orthogonal: the problem there is mutual exclusion and
job ordering.

> In your opinion what is the biggest problem(s) the ports system and
> the package building system currently face?  Is this a common problem,
> i.e., is the issue facing building from ports the same as installing
> from pre-built packages?  I ask this in the context of infrastructure
> as opposed to any tools currently being used.

> If only one thing was going to be done to improve the ports system,
> not including drafting more volunteers :) , what would you recommend
> that one thing be?

Those are both excellent questions, and I'm not sure I have all the
answers.  It's something I'll try to discuss with people at the BSDCan
devsummit next week.

I think the major area that needs further work is to do with improving
the upgrade process.  Historically, the ports collection and package
tools did not support any notion of "do what needs to be done to
upgrade this package".  This was fine in the days when systems
typically only had a handful of ports installed, and they each had
only a few dependencies: you could update them by hand without much
trouble using 'make deinstall' and 'make install'.  Of course, it
fails utterly to scale to the era of GNOME and modular X.org.

This problem was more or less solved by tools like portupgrade [1],
but these are bolted on to the side of the ports collection and
underlying package tools rather than being properly integrated with

One consequence of this is that the UPDATING file has a disturbing
number of entries for manual steps required to update certain ports.
Some of these are because of vendor screwups that we can't really fix
(e.g. broken backawards compatibility with existing user files
requiring data migration).  But a lot of them come down to failures of
the FreeBSD upgrade process: either a ports developer was lazy and
didn't want to do the extra work to support automatic upgrades, or the
upgrade tools are insufficiently flexible to handle the upgrade.

My opinion is that every time a ports developer adds an entry to
UPDATING that lists manual steps required to update a port (except for
the vendor case above), it usually means we have failed as a project.

Part of this problem comes down to metadata management and integration
with the underlying tools.  Some of the information that an upgrade
tool needs to plan and manage the upgrades is not efficiently
accessible using the pkg_tools (queries are O(N) or worse in the
number of packages installed, etc).  portupgrade currently solves this
by maintaining its own parallel version of the metadata in a database
that can be efficiently queried (it also solves part of the problem by
ignoring it, which is a limitation that affected e.g. the xorg
upgrade and required the UPDATING entry).

The problem with maintaining a parallel database is that unless users
always manipulate their ports and packages using portupgrade this
database can become stale.  Addressing this is the goal of Garrett
Cooper's SoC project, by pushing down the database management into
pkg_tools so hopefully portupgrade and pkg_tools can be made to share
the database (or portupgrade can revert to querying efficiently via
the pkg_tools).

There are other problems affecting package and upgrade management that
are due to scaling limitations and data management issues that have
become relevant as the ports collection has grown in size and
complexity.  Some information (e.g. dependency lists) can currently
only be obtained by recursively walking the tree, which is a very
expensive operation for things like GNOME.  There are probably other
operations that are O(N) in some large number N that I can't think of
right now.  It would make sense to explore whether there are ways of
avoiding or optimizing these expensive operations.


[1] There are other upgrade tools, but IMO none of them are as mature
as portupgrade in terms of feature support or robustness, and they
also do not attempt to solve the metadata management issues at all.

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