2007/11/24, Aryeh Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 11/24/07, Attilio Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2007/11/24, Aryeh Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Where do I find the main() [and/or other entery point] for the
> > > kernel.... I tend to understand stuff better if I follow the flow of
> > > exec from the start
> >
> > It is highly MD.
> > For IA32 it is in i386/i386/locore.s::btext
> For AMD64 I assume something close to that...
> I just relized that I actually want to understand everything from POST
> on (actually from power on but I know that is very mobo dependant) so
> I guess the question is where do I find the first executed statement
> for BTX (I know how to disamble the MBR so that part is not an issue)

It should be:


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