the 2 most common cause for sendto() failure on raw sockets are:

- badly initialized IP header. note that ip_len and ip_off must be in
 host byte order. all other fields must be in net byte order.
- badly initialized destination address.

writing a raw socket server is not much different than other socket

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0);
if (bind(s, ...) != 0)
while (1)
    recvfrom(s, ...)
    /* recv buffer contains a packet starting with IP header */

sourav das wrote:
hello all,

i m a new comer. i wrote a raw socket client using setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_IP. IPHDRINCL, ....)using UDP. ihave followed MS_Press network programming . it is showing 19 bytes sent successfully. when trying to send more than 19 bytes using sendto(sock, ...) function , it is showing socket error on sending. i want to know how to write a raw socket server program so that to catch and display the data sent by the client.

thanks a lot,

keep fit,



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