Hash: SHA1

Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I have 4 computers, 1 big FreeBSD-current (4 x86 procs), 2 GentooLinux (1
>> is a dial AMD Opteron, the other a dual older x86), and 1 MacOSX (dual
>> PPC).  I was thinking about looking for two items, I'm not sure if I want
>> one or both of them: either some software to let me merely remotely manage
>> them (public software, mind) or, even better, something to get these
>> disparate hardwares to be able to work together, and (as much as possible)
>> to be able to share work.
>> What might be the best, in terms of ability, and especially the ability to
>> make these work together?  If they're not a FreeBSD port, as long as
>> they're reasonably stable, I don't mind porting things, but it needs to be
>> stable on all those CPUs.  Could you reo\commend me something?  I'll go
>> chase each one down, I won't jump on you if you're wrong, gimme your
>> guesses, ok?
> Your question is extraordinarily vague.  I manage multiple systems
> remotely using ssh, so I'm not sure what additional "stuff" you want.

I left it vague on purpose, because I know I am speaking to a crowd thjat
certainly includes folks who know more on the subject than i do, and I was
curious as to what woud pop up.  I filled in some more of the puzzle in a
separate email i just sent (so i won't duplicate that all here), but I have
already begun to learn, because, no, I didn't know off all these links.  I
was thinking (very, very quickly) of putting our smp and the Ganglia thing
into a mixer, 2 minutes at high speed, and see what came out?

Anyhow, thanks for the links, please don't hesitate to give me more on this
subject (this fuzzy cloud?)

> However, here are some links that may provide some help.  All of these
> are FreeBSD ports, and I'm fairly sure they'll work on Gentoo and
> OSX as well:
> http://www.webmin.com/
> http://www.cfengine.org/
> http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/

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