On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 12:02:42AM +0300, Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
> * Ivan Voras ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Is there a utility that would do that, and if not, does anyone have the
> > time to write one?
> Actually, I've already had an idea of utility with pretty similar
> functionality for a long time. The utility would copy directory
> hierarchies recursively based on file include/exclude list, like this:
> +/{etc,bin,sbin,lib}
> +/usr
> -/usr/local
> +/usr/local/{bin,sbin,libexec,share,lib}
> -/usr/share/locale
> +/usr/share/locale/ru_RU*
> so `my_cool_copy_utility / /path/to/jail` will copy /etc,/bin,/sbin,/lib
> and /usr dirs to jail, but in /usr/share/locale will only copy
> russian locales, but no others, and in usr/local it won't copy
> man, include and other dirs not needed in a jail.
> The purpose is similar - creating jails out of host system in fast
> and easy way, possibility to strip everything unneeded (useful for
> secure minimal jails or flash/livecd/embedded installations of
> minimal size) and add something extra, like stuff from /usr/local
> without installing full packages in a jail, or, say, copying over
> additional tree of jail-specific changes (mostly stuff under /etc
> and /usr/local/etc).
> Such an utility is something I still might start working on.

Errrrrr... why not use rsync for that?  It works locally, too -
I use it to copy directories all over the place all the time.

Come to think of it... oh, just go install net/rsync, take a look at
its manual page and the "FILTER RULES" section in particular - it even
supports rules with prefixes, "-" for exclude, "+" for include, just
like you want them :)  Well, okay, you might need to list separate
directories on separate lines (it doesn't seem to support the {bin,sbin}
syntax), but other than that, it seems to fit your requirements pretty
well :)


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