On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:34:47AM -0700, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
> >
> > Agreed.  I was never able to pinpoint it myself, but it certainly didn't
> >  show up before kbdmux.
> 1) what keyboards are used? usb only, ps2 only or mix?
> 2)  what mice are used? usb only, ps2 only or mix?
> if ps2 devices (i.e. keyboard and mouse) are not used at all, does
> disabling atkbd(4) and/or psm(4) help?

I think I stated this in my original thread but let me restate.  I've only
noticed the problem when both usbkbd and atkbd are both enabled (as in the
GENERIC kernel) and a USB keyboard (only) is attached.  Once I plug in the
atkbd, the problem goes away.  The problem also does not exist if just the
atkbd is plugged in with no USB keyboard.

I haven't noticed a problem with the mice, but I've not used a PS/2 mouse
in almost a decade.  I have noticed a problem which has hit me rarely on a
6.x system; perhaps because the problem is not easily reproducable have I
never seen it in 7.x.  Basically I've seen the kernel get "stuck" and the
only way to unstick it was to move the USB mouse.  Moving the mouse allowed
the interrupt to trigger and things would happen elsewhere in the kernel,
but as soon as I stopped moving the mouse everything else stopped (ata
reads/writes, graphics updates, etc.).  Unplugging the mouse was a bad idea
because the plugin event never triggered.  I've only witnessed this on
post-kbdmux systems but since it wasn't reproducable in any reliable
fashion, I couldn't pin the problem down.

-- Rick C. Petty
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