On Saturday 12 July 2008, Stanislav Sedov said:
> On Sun, 6 Jul 2008 13:26:21 -0800
> Beech Rintoul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:
> > I'd just like to thank stas@ and everyone who replied with
> > suggestions, code etc. I believe that I now have something
> > workable and it's been submitted to portmgr for review and
> > possible inclusion in bsd.port.mk along with some new features of
> > my own. Hopefully, this will fix a long standing problem with
> > copytree_*.
> Have you filled the PR so we could review/comment?

No, portmgr (Pav) has it and is reviewing. I'll chat with him and see 
if he wants me to file a pr. Meanwhile I'll be happy to send it to 
anyone who wants it. The FreeBSD server will just strip it off and 
I'm moving webservers today so I can't post it for a while.


Beech Rintoul - FreeBSD Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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