
I wanted to add a file to an already written DVD+RW (written a day
before on the same system) with

# growisofs  -M /dev/cd0 -r -T -J -joliet-long -v directory

This produced tons of error messages via syslog as

Jul 11 13:45:30 rebelion kernel: ata0: FAILURE - non aligned DMA
transfer attempted
Jul 11 13:45:30 rebelion kernel: acd0: setting up DMA failed

and the only way to get the system back to a usable state was rebooting

I've reloaded the files from the DVD to the file system, added the file
I wanted get merged and wrote the DVD again with -Z which worked fine;

this is with FreeBSD-7.0R; what is wrong with -M or what I've done wrong?



Matthias Apitz
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José Saramago, Historia del Cerca de Lisboa
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