Guillaume Ballet wrote:
On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Guillaume Ballet wrote:
Hello hackers,

I am currently working on a small project and would like to add a few
commands to the set that is available in ddb.

I found that very interesting albeit succinct presentation:<>

where the author hints that I should use DB_COMMAND, which I did. Yet when
invoking ddb, the command does not appear in the help list. I have taken a
look at the source code and was expecting set_db_cmd_set to appear in my
module's section list when calling objdump -h

Is DB_COMMAND only working within the kernel itself, and not modules?

That is correct; you can't add ddb cmds from modules.  It should be doable; 
just hasn't been done yet.


It is indeed doable: Here are the diffs for a first attempt at doing
this. I am not entirely satisfied with it, though, as it does not work
with DB_SHOW_COMMAND and the likes... Also, I have to declare a lot of
ddb-related stuff into kern_linker.c and I don't like it. I am
currently working at improving the whole thing, but in the mean time
if someone wants to give it a try, comments/rants would be greatly

Last I looked at this I was convinced it could be done using SYSINIT's and the existing mechanisms for adding ddb cmds. I don't think you need to modify the linker or ddb. Not sure if you looked sys/module.h and/or sys/kernel.h?


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