On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Oliver Fromme <o...@lurza.secnetix.de> wrote:
> Hello fellow hackers,
> Some of you might remember that I'm working on graphics
> support for our /boot/loader.  Unfortunately, progress has
> been rather slow because of non-FreeBSD-related activity.
> Anyway, I have now prepared a tarball containing a loader
> binary for public testing.  If you are eager to give it a
> try, please feel free to do so.  It should work with any
> FreeBSD version on i386 and amd64 platforms.
> I have posted detailed instructions on the FreeBSD wiki:
> http://wiki.freebsd.org/OliverFromme/BootLoaderTest
> Any kind of feedback is welcome.

Hello Oliver

It worked here, on a 8.0-current i386 r188003, the only small
thing is it show a red border when show the menu.

There is a dmidecode output attached, just to give you some
information about the bios.

Thanks and congrats for the nice job
Renato Botelho

Attachment: dmidecode.out
Description: Binary data

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