On 2009-Feb-25 07:53:08 +0100, Ed Schouten <e...@80386.nl> wrote:
>The XFree86 project has been dying ever since almost all the active
>development moved to the Xorg-project. Xorg has many new features that
>XFree86 doesn't have, like hardware compositing and improved device

And along the way, they've dropped things like integration testing,
avoiding regressions and avoiding POLA violations.

>> latest cvs image from Xfree86, and it built FAR easier that xorg, far
>> faster, far simpler to configure ...
>Why should it matter how easy it is to build a piece of software? You
>can just run `make -C /usr/ports/x11/xorg install clean' or `pkg_add -r

Note that Chuck also mentioned faster (the conversion from imake to
configure added something like 30% to the time to build X.org for
absolutely no benefit - some pieces of X.org now take 4 times as long
to configure as to build) and easier to configure.

Whilst the ease of building a port doesn't really affect the end user,
it does affect the port maintainer - a port that needs lots of tender
care and feeding will lead to more rapid maintainer burnout.

Peter Jeremy

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