On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 02:28:51PM +0400, Alexander Churanov wrote:
> 1) Why discuss UCS-4 at all? UTF-32 is alreay in place. SImple,
> standardized, fixed-width and stateless.

Which part of "combining characters" is stateless? Sure, you can ignore
that in some/many applications, but it still exists. UCS-4 and UTF-32
are identical, so discussing one is enough.

> 2) I'm against using wchar_t internally, because C language standard
> does not require that a wchar_t variable can hold an UTF-32 code
> point.

See my original point of that locale independent wchar_t might be
useful, but creates problems. If the OS supports full Unicode 3+
locales, it will have to be able to fit any UCS-4 code point into

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