On Thursday 23 July 2009 20:28:52 Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> per...@pluto.rain.com writes:

[snip description of shell opening a script, finding a #! line and passing a 
file descriptor for the opened script to the intended interpreter 
in /dev/fd/, to avoid a race condition where the shell opens the script, 
reads the #! line, closes it and hands off the filename to the intended 
interpreter to reopen what may now be a different file]

> > I vaguely recall having seen a similar (or even identical) approach
> > suggested some years ago.  It may even have been implemented in some
> > variant of Un*x.
> That's clever, but how would it work in practice, while common shells
> and scripting languages may not implement their side of it?

http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/various/shebang/ claims that it's been 
implemented, in exactly the way described, in Solaris, OpenBSD and NetBSD 
(albeit as a kernel compile-time option in the latter two). (It's apparently 
also in IRIX and UnixWare).

Given OpenBSD's admirable paranoia about security (hey, I'm a sysadmin: I 
never ask myself if I'm being paranoid, but if I'm being paranoid enough!) 
I'd have thought they would have explored the implications fully.

Certainly other stuff knows about it. As I said yesterday, Perl describes the 
problem in its perlsec manpage/perldoc. The perl interpreter even has a 
build-time option, SETUID_SCRIPTS_ARE_SECURE_NOW - and the correct setting is 
supposedly detected as part of configure.

There may well be some problems to overcome, but this doesn't appear to be 
unexplored territory.

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