On 2009-Nov-19 17:12:19 -0600, "Sam Fourman Jr." <sfour...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I would like to help get this working.. is there a howto somewhere to
>setup a i386 jail on amd64?
>I used teh instructions on http://wiki.freebsd.org/Wine (and pointed
>the jail to /compat/i386)

I haven't tried wine, but I do have an i386 jail on my main amd64
server (primarily to build apps for my netbook) and have managed to
build all the apps I want (including Firefox, OpenOffice.org and
jdk15).  I have a full i386 world installed in the jail and have
the following overrides in my environment:

I did run into problems initially because my i386 userland wasn't
aligned with my amd64 kernel but rebuilding both fixed that (I'm
running 8.0-RC1 and a bit).

Note that some tools that poke around in kernel innards won't work -
ps and lsof are the most obvious.  ktrace works but the resultant
ktrace.out files need to read with an amd64 kdump.

>Inside teh jail uname -a still produces this:
>FreeBSD i386.puffybsd.com 8.0-RC3 FreeBSD 8.0-RC3 #0: Wed Nov 18
>22:22:44 UTC 2009     root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/WORKSTATION  amd64

You are missing the UNAME_x environment variables.

>so trying to compile mesa-demos produces this

It will compile and run with the above environment changes.

Peter Jeremy

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