Everything looks spiffy after my upgrade from 6.1 to 6.2, except all
my sata disks are
gone.  Thank goodness the os in on a pata controller:

atapci1: <AcerLabs M5287 SATA150 controller> port
mem 0xdffff800-0xdffffbff irq 21 at device 31.1 on pci0
atapci1: AHCI controller reset failure
device_attach: atapci1 attach returned 6

So, I booted the 6.2 iso to find identical behavior, so it is not my
mistake in the upgrade process (unless the mistake was to upgrade at

**I am not the first one with this problem, and the previous thread
("6.2-RC: Problem with SATA on ASUS Vintage AH-*1*" from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to freebsd-stable on Nov 27, 2006) as well as my
requests to fbsd-questions have gone unanswered.  Perhaps the author
of /dev/ata could chime in, or someone could point me to another
resource if I am being dense?

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