On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 10:56:42AM +0000, David Malone wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 04:51:51AM +0100, Max Laier wrote:
> > I tried the reference machines (see hacked up attachment):
> > 78x ia64
> > 40x amd64
> > 60x p3
> > 16x p4
> > I don't have my Soekris set up, so if somebody could give it a try.
> On my 4.11 Soekris 4501 box, the test shows about 70x for gcc -O2
> and 40x for gcc -O. As these are worst-case figures, it would be
> interesting to see how CPU usage is impacted for forwarding high
> packet rates. My feeling is that this difference would be lost in

the top forwarding performance of a soekris is around 30-35kpps if
i remember well - this translates in around 30us/packet all included.
as you see from the absolute numbers in my other posting,
the overhead is very significant.

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