
I need help.
I am very new about IPFW. I'm in FreeBSD 6.0.
My job is pass anyone that has a valid both MAC and IP address.
Beginning of my rule I check the valid MAC address that can get through.
If pass, the next rule is check the IP address.
If pass, he/she can get through.

Everything is work as expected. My problem is the above rules doesn't check 
both MAC and IP address pairing. Assume someone spoof other MAC address, they 
can pass by changing the IP address of another.

Another question, if really someone has both valid MAC and IP address, but in 
fact he/she was a spoofer or man in the middle in the same subnet. How to 
accomplish this problem, I heard about static ARP table, but not interested to 
setup that kind of solution. I am thinking about nmap. Which can check against 
my database about valid Ethernet ID and Operating System being used. Anyone has 
done this kind of solution?


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