Many years ago I added code to ipfw so that if -q was set it would not complain about
things that were unimportant, nor would it return an error code.
Such things include removing table entries that are already gone and similar sorts of 'safe' operations. The idea is that you can write 'naive' scripts that don't need to do complicated checks to see if XXX is already present or gone.. In hte ame way that rm -f doesn't complain if the file doesn't exist..  You were going to delete it anyhow.

I'd like that to continue to some of the new additions.
for example the terribly annoying
    ipfw: DEPRECATED: inserting data into non-existent table 18. (auto-created) (who cares?)


   ljcc-78# ipfw table 19 create
     ipfw: Table creation failed: File exists

As the script needs to run multiple times, I don't care if the table already exists.
but I do care about other errors.
I don't want to have to write special wrapper code for table create that is different from the wrappers elsewhere because it has to look for return code 71 and disregard it.
Can we just have -q continue to ignore such errors please?


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