Hello all,

Hi there,

I am trying to expose a hierarchy of home directories to a number of
FreeBSD jails. The home directories are configured such that each is a
unique ZFS dataset. The jails are used for development work and hence
are created and destroyed on a regular basis.

My first thought was simply to use nullfs to mount /home inside the
jail, but nullfs doesn't provide any way to access subordinate

My second thought was to export the directories via NFS and then run
the automounter daemon (amd) inside each jail. This would have Just
Worked...if it were possible to perform NFS mounts inside a jail. But
it's not.

My third thought was to run amd on the host and provision nullfs
mounts into the jails...but amd support for nullfs doesn't exist.

My fourth thought was to go back to exporting the directories using
NFS, because of course amd works with NFS, right? Unfortunately,
rather than mounting a directory on the target mountpoint, amd likes
to mount things in a temporary location (/.amd_mnt/...) and then
create a symlink...which, of course, is useless inside the jail

So maybe you could use nullfs to expose a subdirectory of /.amd_mnt to
the jail? No! This brings us back to my first attempt, in which we
find that there is no way to access subordinate filesystems using

And then my head exploded.

Is there a good solution for what I'm trying to do? A bad solution
would be to run a script after booting the jail that would create
multiple nullfs mountpoints for all the home directories, but this is
pretty clunky -- it would need to be run periodically to take into
account new directories or removed directories. So basically I would
have to write a poorly designed automounter.

There must be a better way. How are other folks solving this?

It looks like there are discussions going back several years about
setting the VFCF_JAIL on NFS filesystems, but it these haven't
resulted in any changes to the released code.  Is this the best way to
go?  In theory, if I build a kernel under which NFS is jail friendly I
can go ahead and run amd inside the jail

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@seas.harvard.edu>
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