Hi Jamie, All,

On Jan 3, 2013, at 4:36 AM, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Jan 2013, Jamie Gritton wrote:
>> I've been looking at PR kern/169751, which was noting that routing sockets 
>> don't work inside a jail.  It made the point that setting 
>> security.jail.socket_unixiproute_only or security.jail.allow_raw_sockets 
>> didn't help things.  It would seem kind of a given from the "unixiproute" 
>> name that a route socket ought to work.  And indeed, such a socket is 
>> permitted to be created in such a jail.  It's just using it that doesn't 
>> work.
>> I narrowed this failure down to line 816 of sys/net/rtsock.c, which 
>> explicitly denies jails from reading routes, regardless of the setting of 
>> the above two sysctls (or the jail allow.* bits they work with).  And that 
>> bit of code came about in response to PR kern/68189, which noted that jails 
>> could see interfaces that aren't theirs (i.e. their address doesn't live on 
>> it).
>> So we have two PRs that are kind of at cross purposes.  It would be nice to 
>> keep hiding non-jail interfaces from a jail, but it would also be nice to let
> jails have no notion of interfaces, only addresses, so by defintiion
> there cannot be "non-jail interfaces".
>> a jailed process know the route to somewhere - at least sometimes.  One 
>> solution would be to add a much finer layer of control to the jail test in 
>> rtsock.c, looking at interfaces and seeing if they're somehow connected with 
>> one of the jail's IP addresses.  But that just seems like a lot of messy 
>> corner-case code.
>> Another way around this, and what I'd like to go with if there are no 
>> objections,

I humbly object.

>> is to allow the route sockets to be used by jails that have raw_sockets 
>> permission.  I know that's kind of a semantic leap, but it seems that a jail 
>> that has the power of using raw sockets would be able to do pretty much as 
>> it pleases with routes anyway if it tried hard enough.  Also, it would be 
>> consistent to allow such operations on jails that aren't IP-restricted, or 
>> in VIMAGE jails.
> I have not further looked at the code but the answer is that we should
> not further complicate jails after 14 years when we have a perfect
> good solution for the problem;  vnets are there for exactly this.
> Someone with enough interest and time should just finish things (tm) ;-)
> Meanwhile your suggestion might be ok given simple enough, but I wonder
> if a different flag would be helpful still.  I would not be able to
> "trust" (the little that is possible anyway) raw_sockets anymore if they
> suddently could fiddle with the routing table - even read-only, should
> that really be enough.
> I would explicitly advertise it as 'do not use - will go away again'
> feature and it should the moment vnets are declared non-experimental.
> Just my 2cts.
> /bz

I'm going to enthusiastically agree with Bjoern here, especially when vnets 

I see your point, and your need, but this kind of virtual server centric 
approach is better applied, full-bore, to other server virtualization models, 
where interfaces actually exist, (in the form of abstracted hardware).

I believe allowing this sort of abstraction is precisely the kind of 
fundamentals-bending which has led other virtual server implementations to the 
bone pile- jail(2) is securable and useful explicitly because it is 
fundamentally designed to contain resources, not emulate them.


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