On 26/08/2017 02:47, Alexander Regueiro wrote:
Thanks for the tip. In fact, it turns out I just needed to use the 
`—disable-dtrace` option when configuring, to get rid of that linkage error, 

Here’s the successful procedure that I followed to build & install Mono 5.2 on 
my FreeBSD 11 machine, in case it’s of interest to anyone while the port is being 
updated. I’m CCing the mailing list in case this is of use to someone.

(Make sure beforehand you have installed ports/packages for mono [to 
bootstrap], gcc, and gmake.)

The following can be run as a bash script and should do the whole job.

PREFIX=“$HOME/build/mono/“ &&
FILENAME=“mono-$VERSION.tar.bz2” &&
curl -O "https://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/$FILENAME 
<https://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/$FILENAME>” &&
tar -xvf “$FILENAME” &&
cd “mono-$VERSION” &&
./configure —prefix=“$PREFIX" --disable-nls --disable-dtrace --build="$(gcc 
-dumpmachine)” &&
sed -EI -e "s|#define HAVE_LOCALCHARSET_H.*|#undef HAVE_LOCALCHARSET_H|" eglib/config.h 
mkdir -p “$PREFIX” &&
gmake &&
gmake install &&
echo “Mono $VERSION successfully built and installed to '$PREFIX'."

(This was inspired by the docs at 
<http://www.mono-project.com/docs/compiling-mono/mac/>, but with some 
significant changes.)


I suggest enabling btls, otherwise it won't be able to connect to servers using TLS 1.2 (unless it is enabled by default in 5.2)

Kind regards,
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