
I apologize, I thought this went to everyone. I didn't mean to single
you out. :)

My comments below...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Russell Haley <russ.ha...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: Help Wanted - Work with MSFT and help finish the port of
.NET Core to FreeBSD
To: Yuri <y...@rawbw.com>

On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 7:15 PM, Yuri <y...@rawbw.com> wrote:
> On 09/03/17 17:54, Geoffrey Huntley wrote:
>> Seehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHllisWOCpU  and
>> https://twitter.com/GeoffreyHuntley/status/904227946084294656
> Is there a body of software that requires .Net? I never came across anything
> great that needed .Net to run.
> In other words, why is this needed and who is going to use it?

There are literally millions of DotNet applications that are running
in companies of varying sizes around the world that could be easily
converted to run on FreeBSD without a user being any the wiser,
especially Asp.net applications (a huge chunk of that). There are many
companies looking to get DotNet applications off of expensive
operating systems and onto cheap FOSS operating systems that require
no licensing and very little upgrading. From my experience people
looking to convert over from MS.Net to Mono have always had *some
reason* to not make the switch (real or imagined). DotNet Core offers
the first truly cross platform opportunity for most Microsoft shops.

Further, FreeBSD offers a unique opportunity for companies to take
application code and close it off as an appliance (virtual or
physical) and protect intellectual property in a way that GPL licensed
OSes can't. This can be easily seen in Sony Playstation 3 & 4 and the
NetApp appliance as models for very profitable closed source
applications of FreeBSD. I've very effectively run Samba4 on FreeBSD
as a complete AD replacement in a small scale test. One could
conceivably remove a lot of licensing for Servers and Client Access
Licenses by moving over to a FreeBSD based system.

As someone with experience in both large scale IT and embedded
systems, the RAD application development that DotNet offers is
fantastic. It's like building working space shuttles out of Lego.

Microsoft lost badly in the OS wars on the phones and is loosing on
the cheap tablets as well. The are not gaining much in Web Servers and
starting to see losses in IT systems to Linux. The local school system
where I am from has moved completely to Ubuntu (and it shows in the
three week downtime in their email systems).

The MS solution to GNU/Linux and all FOSS is to do what they do best:
absorb the technology. They have created the Microsoft Subsystem For
Linux, which allows them to natively run Linux system calls in the NT
Kernel. They have moved their business model to the cloud and are
looking to embrace FOSS just like Amazon and Google do. In order to
keep their technologies relevant, they now need to allow DotNet to run
on GNU/Linux and other FOSS systems.

As someone that embraces all technology, I see this as an excellent thing.

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