>>         my guess is that you have some issue with routing setup.
>>         last time, you had some wacky static routes to help source address
>>         selection (i do not really recommend that).  do you still have them?
>>         if so, please show them to us (to mailing list) with in the script.
>No, I don't think so. My routing tables are just fine, I see 
>with tcpdump how packets are exchanged as they should and I 
>see them come in the receiving interface and I see them being 
>dropped an counted under "unknown/unsupported protocol." So, 
>how can you conclude that it's my routing tables? How should
>my routing tables be different?

        sorry if you felt offended.  i really think it is issue in routing
        table, as multiple SPD configuration works just fine here.

        the "unknown/unsupported protocol" error can be increased by multiple
        reasons, including decryption resulted into garbage.  so it can mean
        almost nothing.  it can be because of different key setups in SAD,
        or whatever.

        even if you don't think related, we need your exact configuration
        to repeat, or emulate your setup.  i have tested a configuration
        that should emulate your setup, but it worked.  so i guess we need
        to emulate whatever you have configured, put some debugging printfs,
        to chase what is going on in the kernel.  of course we need to
        get some equipments to do that, and it takes time.
        i understand your frustration, really feeling sorry about it.

        ipset setup is really a f*cking complex beast, because of the
        specification itself, and because of the interaction of
        multiple other network components.  we need to know everything
        about your setup to repeat the symptom.  also, there are a lot of
        wacky interaction in FreeBSD IPv4 code path, which makes it really hard
        to track the problem down.  if you have any other setups including NAT,
        divert socket, packet filtering (ipf/ipfilter), routing, ifconfig,
        special servers, bridging, whatever, please show them to us.
        otherwise we can never repeat that setup.

        even if you know that "additional SPD entry tickles some problem"
        in your environment, that may not be the real reason.
        i believe this is not the real reason, as multiple SPD entry works
        fine here (and other places).  so i'm trying to understand what
        differentiates your setup and my setup.

        so, please send us every configuration you have.  preferably
        not the meta-script like "${ipaddr-c}".  we need what you have
        configured exactly.


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