On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Carlos Ferreira <carlosmf...@gmail.com>

> Hello!
> First of all, to Luigi and the dev team, great piece of work that netmap
> is! This is a piece of software that I was looking for quite some time.
> Your team effort is appreciated!
> Now the question.
> I know that this is a FreeBSD mailing list but I was wondering, since you
> have a PKGBUILD file for ArchLinux, could someone in your team do the same
> for OpenWRT? Netmap seems to be a piece of software which would come in
> handy, to develop applications and protocols for the OpenWRT distro.
> Since OpenWRT uses uClib, I don't really know if it is possible to compile
> it.
> Help is appreciated!
​i expect it will be trivial to compile netmap for openwrt,
because it is just a piece of kernel code and the userspace
has little or no dependencies.
Another story is to write specific netmap extensions for the
driver in use -- that might require a little bit of work
though not much, knowing the driver.

I am afraid we currently we do not have the time and manpower
to set up a build environment and give it a try.

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