Ok, the review is updated with the EBR.  If you can update your tree to
r333466 or newer, apply the patch and retest, that would be great.  It
seems to be working here.

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 2:29 PM, Harry Schmalzbauer <free...@omnilan.de>

> Bezüglich Stephen Hurd's Nachricht vom 10.05.2018 20:07 (localtime):
> > No need to test the latest revision unless/until you get a LOR or a
> > panic (both should be possible with the revision you currently have).
> > With the recent addition of a simple EBR API, mmacy@ is working on a
> > better solution.  If possible, it would be great to have you re-test it
> > once that is up.
> Since this literally brand new _haswell_ (DH87MC) box is waiting now for
> 3 years to replace my 10 years old core2duo, I'll keep it on the tinker
> bench...
> I'd have some "smbios0: SMBIOS checksum failed" and
> "[drm2:pid:hangcheck_hung]...GPU hung" issues to track/report, but since
> finding Xorg's secret about "MatchIsKeyboard" took me too much time,
> this is postponed.
> -harry

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