2019-05-15 driesm.michiels wrote:
Has anyone ever thought or considered integrating an IPv6 DHCP client
in base? [...]
I have a plan to import wide-dhcp6 into the base system because it is
simple enough. [...]
Other alternatives? Thoughts?

This topic came up three years ago. David A. Bright reported
he has done some preparatory work.

See the full thread from June 2016:


Does wide-dhcp6 support (Stable Private Addresses - RFC 7217) ???
I'd really like to see this feature in dhcpv6 on FreeBSD
( "other" OSes take it for granted :) .

Myself wrote then:
| The dhcpcd seems like another good choice.
|  https://roy.marples.name/projects/dhcpcd
| It is licensed under the 2 clause BSD license,
| supports BSD, is being actively developed,
| is in ports: net/dhcpcd
| Seems to be the only one to support RFC 7217
| (Opaque Interface Identifiers with SLAAC = Stable Private Addresses)
| which currently lacks support on FreeBSD as far as I can tell
| (but does work on newer linux).
| Some of the notable features:
| IPv6 Router Solicitation including optional address and route management
| IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS Configuration
| IPv6 Stable Private Addresses
| Seamless quad stack of DHCPv4, IPv4LL, IPv6RS, DHCPv6
| Small runtime, 200k on amd64 NetBSD
| ...

2019-10-07 02:53, Ben Woods wrote:

I would like to discuss whether dhcpcd is a better option to import into
FreeBSD base, rather than wide-dhcp6.

dhcpcd has the following benefits that I can see:
- Actively maintained [1] (wide-dhcp6 seems to be stale for 11 years?)
- Used in NetBSD and DragonflyBSD (code sharing amongst the BSDs will
facilitate collective progress and lesson sharing). Roy, the upstream
maintainer, has committer on both NetBSD and DragonFlyBSD.
- more feature rich [2]

[1] https://roy.marples.name/projects/dhcpcd/history
[2] https://roy.marples.name/projects/dhcpcd/features

hrs - what are your thoughts?


+1, I second that.

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