On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 10:08:50PM +0100, Kristof Provost wrote:
K> > K> with vtnet:
K> > K>
K> > K>         DHCPDISCOVER on vtnet0 to port 67 interval 5
K> > K>         panic: Assertion in_epoch(net_epoch_preempt) failed at
K> > K> /usr/src/sys/net/netisr.c:1093
K> > K>         cpuid = 0
K> > K>         time = 1581981733
K> > K>         KDB: stack backtrace:
K> > K>         db_trace_self() at db_trace_self
K> > K>         db_fetch_ksymtab() at db_fetch_ksymtab+0x12a
K> > K>         kdb_backtrace() at kdb_backtrace+0x2c
K> > K>         vpanic() at vpanic+0x144
K> > K>         panic() at panic+0x26
K> > K>         netisr_dispatch_src() at netisr_dispatch_src+0x3c0
K> > K>         netisr_dispatch() at netisr_dispatch+0x10
K> > K>         ether_ifattach() at ether_ifattach+0x2fa
K> > K>         vtmmio_attach() at vtmmio_attach+0x490c
K> > K>         vtmmio_attach() at vtmmio_attach+0x4624
K> > K>         vtmmio_attach() at vtmmio_attach+0x544a
K> > K>         virtqueue_intr() at virtqueue_intr+0xc
K> > K>         vtmmio_attach() at vtmmio_attach+0x2008
K> > K>         db_dump_intr_event() at db_dump_intr_event+0x730
K> > K>         fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x68
K> > K>         fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xa
K> > K>         KDB: enter: panic
K> > K>         [ thread pid 12 tid 100023 ]
K> > K>         Stopped at      kdb_enter+0x44: sd      zero,0(a0)
K> > K>         db>
K> > K>
K> > K> It seems pretty clear that the vtmmio path doesn’t enter epoch
K> > before it
K> > K> runs the vtnet_attach() code.
K> > K> On the other hand, I run vtnet CURRENT guests in bhyve, and don’t
K> > see this
K> > K> panic. In that case it lives on top of PCI rather than mmio, but I
K> > don’t
K> > K> see why/where that’d enter epoch.
K> > 
K> > The transition from ether_ifattach to netisr_dispatch looks strange.
K> > Is that something run trough EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE?
K> > 
K> > Can you please print in kgdb?
K> > 
K> > > list *ether_ifattach+0x2fa
K> > 
K> Not immediately, no. This is risc-v, and there’s no kgdb for it right now.
K> I can give you objdump output however:
K>      ffffffc00036fd6c <ether_ifattach>:
K>      /*
K>       * Perform common duties while attaching to interface list
K>       */
K>      void
K>      ether_ifattach(struct ifnet *ifp, const u_int8_t *lla)
K>      {
K>      ffffffc00036fd6c:       7139                    addi    sp,sp,-64
K>      ffffffc00036fd6e:       fc06                    sd      ra,56(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd70:       f822                    sd      s0,48(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd72:       f426                    sd      s1,40(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd74:       f04a                    sd      s2,32(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd76:       ec4e                    sd      s3,24(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd78:       e852                    sd      s4,16(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd7a:       e456                    sd      s5,8(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd7c:       e05a                    sd      s6,0(sp)
K>      ffffffc00036fd7e:       0080                    addi    s0,sp,64
K>      ffffffc00036fd80:       892e                    mv      s2,a1
K>      ffffffc00036fd82:       89aa                    mv      s3,a0
K>      ffffffc00036fd84:       4539                    li      a0,14
K>      …
K>              if (__predict_false(ifp->if_flags & IFF_NEEDSEPOCH))
K>      ffffffc000370036:       0709c503                lbu     a0,112(s3)
K>      ffffffc00037003a:       02057513                andi    a0,a0,32
K>      ffffffc00037003e:       e92d                    bnez
K> a0,ffffffc0003700b0 <ether_input+0xba>
K>              while (m) {
K>      ffffffc000370040:       020a8763                beqz
K> s5,ffffffc00037006e <ether_input+0x78>
K>      ffffffc000370044:       5a7d                    li      s4,-1
K>                      mn = m->m_nextpkt;
K>      ffffffc000370046:       008ab483                ld      s1,8(s5)
K>                      m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
K>      ffffffc00037004a:       000ab423                sd      zero,8(s5)
K>                      MPASS((m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_SND_TAG) == 0);
K>      ffffffc00037004e:       038aa503                lw      a0,56(s5)
K>      ffffffc000370052:       08aa5963                bge
K> s4,a0,ffffffc0003700e4 <ether_input+0xee>
K>                      KASSERT(m->m_pkthdr.rcvif == ifp, ("%s: ifnet mismatch m
K> %p "
K>      ffffffc000370056:       020ab683                ld      a3,32(s5)
K>      ffffffc00037005a:       0b369763                bne
K> a3,s3,ffffffc000370108 <ether_input+0x112>
K>                      netisr_dispatch(NETISR_ETHER, m);
K>      ffffffc00037005e:       4515                    li      a0,5
K>      ffffffc000370060:       85d6                    mv      a1,s5
K>      ffffffc000370062:       0000c097                auipc   ra,0xc
K>      ffffffc000370066:       12c080e7                jalr    300(ra) #
K> ffffffc00037c18e <netisr_dispatch>
K>      ffffffc00037006a:       8aa6                    mv      s5,s1
K>              while (m) {
K>      ffffffc00037006c:       fce9                    bnez
K> s1,ffffffc000370046 <ether_input+0x50>
K>              if (__predict_false(ifp->if_flags & IFF_NEEDSEPOCH))
K>      ffffffc00037006e:       0709c503                lbu     a0,112(s3)
K>      ffffffc000370072:       02057513                andi    a0,a0,32
K>      ffffffc000370076:       e939                    bnez
K> a0,ffffffc0003700cc <ether_input+0xd6>
K>      ffffffc000370078:       00023503                ld      a0,0(tp) # 0
K> <kernel_lma-0x80200000>
K>              CURVNET_RESTORE();
K>      ffffffc00037007c:       4e053503                ld      a0,1248(a0)
K>      ffffffc000370080:       c971                    beqz
K> a0,ffffffc000370154 <ether_input+0x15e>
K>      ffffffc000370082:       00090a63                beqz
K> s2,ffffffc000370096 <ether_input+0xa0>
K>      ffffffc000370086:       5e4a7537                lui     a0,0x5e4a7
K>      ffffffc00037008a:       f285051b                addiw   a0,a0,-216
K>      ffffffc00037008e:       01092583                lw      a1,16(s2)
K>      ffffffc000370092:       0ca59163                bne
K> a1,a0,ffffffc000370154 <ether_input+0x15e>
K>      ffffffc000370096:       00023503                ld      a0,0(tp) # 0
K> <kernel_lma-0x80200000>
K>      ffffffc00037009a:       4f253023                sd      s2,1248(a0) #
K> 5e4a74e0 <kernel_lma-0x21d58b20>
K>      }
K> In fact, that looks like it’s inside ether_input(), not ether_ifattach().
K>      ffffffc00036fff6 <ether_input>:
K>      {
K>      ffffffc00036fff6:       711d                    addi    sp,sp,-96

Right, it looks much more like the trace should go via ether_input(),
not via ether_ifattach().

K> So I suspect our call stack is something like virtqueue_intr() ->
K> vtnet_rx_vq_intr() -> vtnet_rxq_eof() -> vtnet_rxq_input() ->
K> ether_input().
K> I don’t see anything entering epoch in that path, which presumably explains
K> the panic, but I still don’t understand why my bhyve current vm doesn’t
K> panic in the same way.

On bhyve we enter it through interrupt handler, and this is where we
enter the epoch. Does RISC-V has interrupt handling by the MI code 
in sys/kern/kern_intr.c as other platforms?

Gleb Smirnoff
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