
I've got a FreeBSD installation in a DataCenter that provided me with a single
address IPv4 with an upstream gateway (cidr is fine the upstream gateway works
everything is nice and running). I use this machine for Masquerading an private

Now I need other machines with public IPv4 and when I requested the additional
IPv4 to the DataCenter, they gave me a bunch of /32 addresses saying that
my previous IPv4 MUST be configured as next-hop on their side.
From my understanding in FreeBSD the route command is unable to perform this
kind of configuration where you tell that the IPv4 /32 is available without
next-hop (no via) on a specific link. I know the linux "ip route add $IP dev
$LINK" configures this, but I cannot seem to map this knowledge to FreeBSD.

Is it possible to perform this very special setup with any command on FreeBSD?
If yes what is that command?

Best regards,
Diego Abelenda

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