On 14 Sep 2017, at 16:21, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
Outgoing traffic (from a jail) via PF NAT over a LAGG/LACP sometimes has
the *backup* CARP IP address assigned to it.

######## running configs ######

pfctl indeed shows its a round-robin

#  pfctl -vnf /etc/pf.conf
protocols = "{ tcp, udp, icmp }"
extl_if = "lagg0"
intl_if = "lo0"
jail_if = "lo1"
intl_net = "lo0:network"
jail_net = "lo1:network"
internet = "lagg0:network"
set limit states 200000
set limit frags 80000
set limit src-nodes 80000
set timeout adaptive.start 180000
set timeout adaptive.end 200000
scrub in all fragment reassemble
nat on lagg0 inet proto tcp from to any -> (lagg0)
nat on lagg0 inet proto tcp from to any -> (lagg0)

I think this is your problem. You’re telling pf to nat to the IP address of lagg0, but lagg0 has multiple addresses assigned.

‘(lagg0:0)’ should work, or just use the IP address.

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