On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 06:21:31PM -0700, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> I have a port I am writing which uses an unusual way of distributing
> tarballs.  The only download for official sources that I can tell is
> through their web source control interface.  They have a URL which
> provides a tarball of a tagged version from their source control
> software.  The URL is
> http://new.openspf.org/source/software/sendmail-spf-milter/tags/1.42.1.tar.gz?view=tar
> This causes fetch and wget to save the file as 1.42.1.tar.gz?view=tar,
> but netscape removes the ?view=tar.  Should I just make the port
> download it as that name, but have it placed in a subdirectory using the
> port name?

You can use fetch -o.


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