Hi all,

I understand 4.11 is dead, but I've still got about 20 odd boxes to take care of for the next few months until we can figure out what breaks in 6.x for us.

I saw that it's recommended to use the "RELEASE_4_EOL" tag when updating the ports tree to make sure that we have a stable ports tree that should (mostly) build on 4.11. No problems there, we can deal with freezing everything at the date that tag came out...

However, we do make extensive use of portupgrade and the version tagged there is known to be buggy. So I'd like to keep my current version of portupgrade (2.2.6_2.2) installed. Should this work?

Running "pkgdb -F" to fix up deps gives me this:

/usr/ports/INDEX:1765:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:1766:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:1767:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:1768:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.

I'm guessing something here is not in sync or my cvsup "downgrade" to the EOL tag perhaps didn't remove everything.

portupgrade also still thinks that tools that came from /usr/port/ports-mgmt still live in that directory rather than in /usr/ports/sysutils (as they do with the EOL tag):

toolbox[/usr/ports]# pkgdb -F
cd: can't cd to /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade
--->  Checking the package registry database
Stale origin: 'ports-mgmt/pkg_install': perhaps moved or obsoleted.
[/usr/ports/INDEX.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument] [Updating the portsdb <format:bdb_btree> in /usr/ports ... - 15969 port entries found /usr/ports/INDEX.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument: Cannot update the portsdb! (/usr/ports/INDEX.db)]
database file error
[Updating the portsdb <format:bdb_btree> in /usr/ports ... - 15969 port entries found .........1000.........2000.........3000.........4000.........5000.........6000.........7000.........8000.........9000.........10000.........11000.........12000.........13000.........14000.........15000......... ..... done]
Skip this for now? [yes]

What do I need to get in order to have this all work relatively smoothly until we can get everything upgraded to 6.x?

Sadly(?), most of the port management tools have "just worked" for me, so I've never really gone looking under the hood that much.

Any advice is appreciated...


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