On Apr 06, 2007, at 22:52 , Vijay Patel ((NewsLetters)) wrote:


I was also facing similar problem. & As per discussion of this thread, its because, I am using FreeBSD 5.2 with latest ports.tar.gz (As I am at remote location, FreeBSD upgrade is not possible for me).
    Here is how I solved problem of gettext.

Here's the background.

gettext-0.16.1 is now threads aware. In its current form, the port is indeed slightly broken, something that didn't come up during build and gnome-devel testing, and nork@ has kindly provided me with a patch.

However, I have received isolated reports that the threaded-gettext is causing edge case issues with other ports.

So, I am faced with something of a dilemma, since PORTREVISION will be bumped in either case (yes folks, y'all get to rebuild stuff, consider it a worldwide thrash-test of compilers ;)

1. Make devel/gettext respect PTHREAD_LIBS, and leave the threading in place
2.  Disable threading entirely

I'm open to either option here, and have taken the liberty of cc'ing the GNOME and KDE folks since they're very large consumers.


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