At 11:10 a -0800 05/11/2007, Beech Rintoul didst inscribe upon an electronic papyrus:

Walter Ian Kaye wrote:

Locally I see this:

/usr/ports/www/lynx-ssl> pkg_version -v
lynx-ssl-2.8.5_2                    =   up-to-date with port

But website shows 2.8.6_4,1

How do I get my ports to know what's actually available?

running os version 4.10
Freebsd 4.x is no longer supported in any way. Newer ports will not build on 4.x. You should consider upgrading to 6.2.

Then why does the website info for lynx port list versions from 6.x down to 4.10? When I saw that, I figured it was supported....

I know 4.10 is EOL'd; it's just that it's a production Internet server and I don't know how long it'd be down for. I've never upgraded a FreeBSD system before and have no idea how to go about it (it's a remote dedicated server, unmanaged from my hosting provider). Will I have to reinstall every port afterwards, or can I upgrade the OS and the existing ports will just work?

still glad he talked his host (iStrata) into providing FreeBSD while their official offerings were only Linux. :-)
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