
On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 09:31:57AM +0200, Spil Oss wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is anything known on an upgrade of the samba3 port to samba 3.0.25a?
> When the 3.0.25 port was committed, shortly after samba released
> 3.0.25a. There seems to be quite a number of problems fixed in
> 3.0.25a.

I've just sent a PR with the new port, number is not available yet from

I would like to stress, that after problems with the last Samba releases
I decided to delay new port for at least one week to collect feedback
from mailing lists and other sources, as well as from developers to see,
if there are no fatal problems with the release. Unfortunately, with
security updates we can't wait too long, thus 3.0.25 slipped into the
ports collection, although it possibly shouldn't.

I'm planning to ressurect net/samba3-devel port to put latest releases there,
leaving net/samba3 for proven to work releases.

With best regards,
Timur Bakeyev.
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