On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 01:24:13PM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> I'm really stumped on this one, and I'm wondering if someone can come up 
> with something clever here.
> In the last revision of portmaster I changed the order of how things are 
> installed (parent port first, then any run-depends) and added -DNO_DEPENDS 
> to the make install line so that portmaster could handle installation of 
> the run-depends.

Errr... maybe I should actually take a careful look at portmaster first,
but after a cursory look at portmaster.sh.in... how do you handle the
case of a port installation that executes commands from a runtime
dependency?  That is, a runtime dependency that is actually used at
install time, too?

The first example that comes to mind is net/dictd-database, which uses
the 'dictzip' utility from net/dictd in the "install" target, but surely
there are lots of other similar examples :)


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