On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 10:27:30AM +0100, Emanuel Haupt wrote:
> > I'm trying to walk through the tutorial of Boost.Python
> > (the devel/boost-python port)... and unless I'm running
> > out of coffe right now, it seems as if the boost port
> > is not fully installed/specified!
> > 
> > Isn't boost supposed to come with a tools/build/v2
> > directory? Where is it?
> Unless you built devel/boost with NOPORTDOCS defined it should be
> installed under:
> /usr/local/share/doc/boost/tools/build/v2
> Emanuel

Hmm... no, sorry, it's not:

  1. I didn't set NOPORTDOCS in /etc/make.conf, yet there's nothing there
     besides some html files.

  2. /usr/ports/devel/boost-python/work/boost_1_34_1/tools/build/v2/tools
     for example contains plenty of .jam files that are needed by bjam to
     run. Those are *not* copied over. A few html files are put in doc/,
     but not the real stuff (which belongs elsewhere, see 3.).

  3. Those files are NOT doc files: they are needed by bjam.
     Their "right" place should be something like, say,


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