Yes, it is strange, but it is there, how could I help you to understand more 
this problem ?

Yes, I meant these:
zebra is running as pid
ospfd is running as pid
bgpd is running as pid




-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Kovalenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Port: quagga-0.99.9_7


> Hi Boris,
> I have 2 question to you.
> Sometimes when I use quagga script for start, restart or status 
> commands, there turns up strange message about unexpected operator on 
> the different routers with quagga.
> I have some routers based on Linux and these errors are not there.
> # /etc2/rc.d/quagga status
> [: 34978: unexpected operator ----<<< strange
Very strange, but looks like this is a problem in system's rc, as my rc does 
not have 34978 lines of code :)
> quagga is running as pid 35227.
> quagga is running as pid 35233.
> quagga is running as pid 35239.
> Sleeping 10 seconds to obtain dynamic routing information...
> And second question about PID´s, would it be possilbe instead drab 
> quagga daemon place the real name of daemons, to see which daemon is 
> not or is running ?
You mean You want to see
zebra is running as pid
ospfd is running as pid
> For the first question I could send you more information, but my 
> configuration is clean, I am pretty sure.
> Thanks.
> Bye.
> Daniel

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