Jeremy Messenger wrote:
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:45:32 -0500, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another important optimization is to use /rescue/sh instead of /bin/sh for index builds. The former is statically linked and this is much faster to execute.

I don't have INDEX in all of my systems, so I am only take a peek. What about users that have WITHOUT_RESCUE defined or/and something different? IMO, I think your patch should have a check on if /rescue/sh exists when our src provides optional of WITHOUT_RESCUE and is harmless to kill the /rescue.

.if exists(/rescue/sh)

Yeah, I will add this in the next version.

Thanks for hint on 'NOTE TO PORT DEVELOPERS' part as I didn't know about VARIABLE!= vs $(${VARIABLE_CMDS}). /me copies it in my note.

What would be good is if someone can add it to the porter's handbook.

As for the audio/festvox-hvs issue, probably because of no executables or files in RUN_DEPENDS:

RUN_DEPENDS=    ${PORTSDIR}/audio/festival+OGI \
        ${PORTSDIR}/audio/festlex-poslex \
        ${PORTSDIR}/audio/festlex-ogi \

Ah yes, good catch. This looks like a port bug, so I don't think I need to modify my patches.


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