Dirk Meyer wrote:
Kris Kennaway schrieb:,

openssl does set NOPRECIOUSMAKEVARS=yes,
so that part ist skipped in bsd.port.subdir.mk.
OK, but why is this necessary?

otherwise the build breaks,
as the length of the commandline reaches a limit.

We're not talking about builds, but other processing of the bsd.openssl.mk such as for 'make describe'. I don't see why NOPRECIOUSMAKEVARS should be relevant for that since it's not invoking further child makes.

To repeat, why can't you set the openssl variables in bsd.port.subdir.mk and pass them in to the port-level make process instead of recomputing them with every port?


P.S. I am not sure that same limit still exists in supported versions anyway
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