On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 03:39:53PM -0400, Ken Smith wrote:
> Proposed schedule highlights:
>       Freeze          8/29 [1]
>       BETA            9/1 [1]
>       Branch          9/6 [1],[2]
>       6.4-RC1         9/8
>       7.1-RC1         9/15
>       6.4-RC2         9/22 [3]
>       7.1-RC2         9/29 [3]
>       6.4-REL         10/6
>       7.1-REL         10/13
> [1] Both RELENG_6 and RELENG_7
> [2] Unfreeze RELENG_6 and RELENG_7 a few days later.
> [3] Packages, at least the ones destined for CDs requested here.
For ports, planning for a 2 week freeze plus the usual thaw, puts us at:
9/8 - freeze
9/15 - start final package builds
9/22 - thaw
10/13 - fully unfreeze

To be able to keep the freeze as short as possible, we need to keep the
tree quite stable.  While we could call it a feature freeze of sorts, if
you have anything major planned, please contact portmgr as soon as


Erwin Lansing                                   http://droso.org
                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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