On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 01:23:01AM +0400, Alex Keda wrote:

  --->  Backing up the old version
  --->  Uninstalling the old version
  --->  Deinstalling 'dovecot-1.1.2_1'
  Dovecot is still running. Shall I stop it? [y]?
  --->  Restoring the old version
  Dovecot has reserved the groupname 'dovecot' and gid '143':
  Please resolve these issues and try again:
  Either remove the conflicting group or if you wish to continue using a 
  legacy group override DOVECOT_GID.
  pkg_add: install script returned error status
  ** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/sbin/pkg_add -f 
  --->  Skipping 'mail/dovecot'
  ** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
           - mail/dovecot (dovecot-1.1.2_1)

Just a guess, are you running nscd?  I've encountered problems
with it caching stale information and ports running into trouble
because of it.  I haven't had time to report it.
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