Dear Thierry,


I am interested in the current state of openFoam 1.4.1(_?) on FreeBSD and am
willing to assist if able.


I have examined the various port status portals but I am unclear as to
whether difficulties I am currently experiencing are consistent with these,
or are up to date with current work.


I have managed to semi-successfully build openFoam 1.4.1(_0) under
7.0_RELEASE by installing packages of dependant things that were broken such
cups-base-1.3.5_2 and linuxpluginwrapper. However this does not appear to
succeed as ultimately expected, because of things like ParaFoam not
recognising .foam files.


My next thought is to build openFoam with a 7.1-BETA2 ports tree, which
seems a little more nuanced from an openFoam point of view. I have also
found a diff in your which appears to contain fixes for
PVFoamReader but am unsure where this diff features in the timeline.


I look forward to your response.



Richard Samuel





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