hello, world\n

i grabbed the latest ports.tar.gz and "make fetch" in java/jdk16 tells me

 Please open http://download.java.net/jdk6/6u3/promoted/b05/index.html
 in a web browser.  Download the
 Update 3 Source, jdk-6u3-fcs-src-b05-jrl-24_sep_2007.jar and the
 Source Binaries, jdk-6u3-fcs-bin-b05-jrl-24_sep_2007.jar and the
 Mozilla Headers, jdk-6u3-fcs-mozilla_headers-b05-unix-24_sep_2007.jar .

I can't find these files on that page. I surfed around half of
download.java.net to find them elsewhere. No joy. Please hit me with the
clue bat. :-)

No, I'm not in a country where the paragraph at the page bottom
applies: "International Use Restrictions - Due to limited intellectual
property protection and enforcement in certain countries, the JDK source
code may only be distributed to an authorized list of countries. You
will not be able to access the source code if you are downloading from a
country that is not on this list. We are continuously reviewing this
list for addition of other countries."

Even from freefall the page looks the same...


Jens Schweikhardt http://www.schweikhardt.net/
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
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