On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:35:12AM +0000, Andrew Hotlab wrote:
> I'm so sorry to annoy you with a question that might be stupid,
> but I'm not yet
> very experienced in managing software on the FreeBSD platform.
> During my weekly ports maintainance (I'm using the ports-mgmt/portmaster)
> I've noticed that the www/drupal port seems to require the lang/python25 now,
> and this dependency is due to the latest x11/libX11 version, which wants
> x11/xcb-proto and x11/libxcb ports, which bring me lang/python25.
> Since I read that the "XCB option" should have been removed from r1.8 of the
> pkg-plist file
> (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/x11/libX11/pkg-plist),
> I'm wondering if such dependency is still really needed.
That was an option, now it is mandatory. So you can't avoid lang/python25 :)

> Thanks you very much for your invaluable commitment in maintaing this
> great operating system!
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